Monday, March 21, 2011


It didn't exactly seem like spring outside today, but I'm delighted that Winter is officially over. Oh Winter, I enjoyed you for a while but you just sometimes seem to overstay your welcome. I am very much looking forward to nicer weather and everything that comes with that. Look at this pretty Spring-y fabric I came across on IKEA's site this evening:

It`s called GRONSKA BLOM and I am pretty sure I need to buy a couple meters of this. I love you pretty flowers.


  1. Oh patterns... why do I love you so?!
    Nice find Kelly!

  2. Oh NJM, I wish you had your IKEA already so I could go there when we come to see you in a few weeks! IKEA has so many awesome patterns for you and I to love!

  3. I changed a setting in the comments so now anyone can leave a comment!

  4. Okay, Jo are you ready for the instructions?! Type out your comment...then click on the triangle of select profile...go down to name/url and type in your name (leave url blank)...then hit continue...and hit post comment. You will have to type the letters that appear...then hit post comment and you are done. Try it out!

  5. I've never seen this before but I am definitely planning on getting some. I really love this - they (Ikea) outdid themselves!

  6. Oh casapinka, you must go buy some of this fabric. I would love to see what you would make with it!
