Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My new plant

Well it's not really new anymore but it's still the newest plant I have. I bought this DRACAENA MARGINATA plant at IKEA when we were there at the end of November as well as the KARDEMUMMA plant pot. I finally got it planted and it looks great:

It's in the living room in a corner beside the window. It doesn't get lots of direct sunlight so I think it should be a good spot for this type of plant.

One thing on my to do list that is now checked off! We have a bunch of chores written down that we want to accomplish (okay...I want to accomplish) on our holidays. We're doing quite well so far! It feels so good to draw a line through an accomplished list item!

We've also been watching movies in the evenings. Yesterday was Confessions of a Shopaholic and Wall Street and the night before we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Oh holidays, I love you so.

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